

In order to continue our monastic life of prayer and to provide hospitality to guests and retreatants, we need your help! Your donations are tax-deductible.

Donation options
1. We are able to receive online donations. Online options include pledges and automatic monthly donations.

2. Or, mail in a donation. Please make checks payable to "Christ the Bridegroom Monastery" and send to:
Christ the Bridegroom Monastery
17485 Mumford Rd.
Burton, OH 44021

Recent & future projects
Enjoy this slideshow that highlights our poustinia project and our upcoming chapel project:

Other donations
Below are some non-monetary items that would be helpful to the monastery:
  • Food (especially non-perishable, meatless & dairyless items, such as canned beans & chickpeas)
  • Gift Cards to Aldi, Walmart, Home Depot