A reflection from Sr. Iliana about her tonsure as a rasophore nun, Sept. 7, 2015
One of the most pivotal moments of my discernment occurred almost two years ago, while I was on retreat here at the monastery. To be completely honest, I had almost cancelled the retreat because I was afraid of what God might be doing in my life. I had heard Him call to me, “you are mine” over a decade earlier – which in my heart was very clearly a call to religious life – but I did not really understand where He wanted me to live out His calling and was a little tired of asking. As I prayed on the first morning of the retreat, I found myself sitting in a tree with Zacchaeus, waiting for a glimpse of Jesus in the crowd below. As Jesus walked by my hiding place, He looked up at me and said, “Moki, come down” (Moki was my name before I became a nun). It was in response to these words that I immediately quit my job and left everything behind to follow Him. The prophet Isaiah says, “I have called you by your name, you are mine” (Is 43:1). Jesus had called me by my name, and as Zacchaeus, I “made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully”(Lk 19:6).
All words seem inadequate in expressing the joy that I felt on the day of my tonsure. This joy came from being called by Jesus, who had stooped down to his lowly servant saying, “You, follow me” (Jn 21:22). What joy it is to be called by Jesus – called by name – and to dwell in His heart in the heart of the Church. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (see Gal 5:22), and this particular fruit is very apparent in those who respond to His call. The tonsure was on the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and what a beautiful example Mary is of the joy of responding to God’s call. After her “yes,” Mary cries out, “my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Lk 1:47). The Gospels tell us that after Jesus calls the rich young man to follow him, he goes away “sad” (Lk 18:23). Just as the fruit of not answering Jesus’ call is sadness, conversely the fruit of responding to His call is infinite joy.

On the evening of the tonsure, I exclaimed to a priest-friend, “I don’t know what to do with all this joy!” But deep in my heart I do know what to do with it: I must share it with you.
Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your JOY with us, Sr. Iliana! God bless you!
ReplyDeleteThat's a very nice article! The last sentence was especially moving and made me smile! I hope God continues to Bless you with much, much more happiness and joy!
ReplyDeleteOh,how beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Blessed be God forever!
ReplyDeletePowerful sermon!
ReplyDeleteI heart this words, but I was afraid to follow them. If those are true, then God will call me again.
Dearest Sr. Illiana, JOY has been your gift since you were a child. Now we see that you have that Joy even more abundantly! And BTW - your feast is also Al's birthday! What a happy thing! Peace and all good to you and your sisters. Love you. x
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful witness to the Joy that comes from responding to Our Lord's call! Know of my prayers for you as you continue to be drawn into our Lord's loving gaze.